"They have to say goodbye to chocolate-land, and they face the prospect of returning to an impoverished homeland."
Meanwhile back in the north Sweden was invaded by its enemies; Charles returned home in 1714, too late to restore his lost empire and impoverished homeland; he died in 1718.
He was so loyal to his impoverished homeland that last year he helped organize a group, the Exodus Club, to raise money for its hospitals and other institutions.
KwaNdebele, an impoverished tribal homeland of sprawling tin-roofed settlements, is being pushed toward an independence that almost no one here seems to want.
Flow of Refugees Just a month ago, the Administration's most pressing concern was dealing with the outflow of Haitians from their impoverished homeland.
Vietnamese in Germany say their years here have changed them, and that they no longer want to live in their impoverished, repressive homeland.
Above all, the new order is expected to abolish the arbitrary boundaries around the impoverished black homelands.
In a rare interview; Louima said he's convinced he can make a difference in his impoverished homeland: "Maybe God saved my life for a reason, I believe in doing the right thing."
But in interviews, three recent defectors from North Korea drew on their experiences to give their own proposals for how to deal with the unpredictable government of their impoverished homeland.
Once word reached the impoverished black homelands, rural blacks set out for this promised land.