The South African black majority still has a substantial number of rural inhabitants who lead largely impoverished lives.
He went back to school in New York and lived the typical impoverished life of a graduate student.
He was also profoundly admired as someone who had lived a solitary, impoverished life devoted to art alone.
At the same time, towns were impoverished and intellectual life on the decline.
Most are more assimilated than the Moken, but they still lead segregated, impoverished lives.
Never before in their impoverished lives had they visualised a change of garb.
They get married, despite outside duress, and live an impoverished but content life.
You feel we lead impoverished lives compared with our forebears.
It is that a substantial fraction of society has miserable, unfulfilling and impoverished lives.
Most are scratching out marginalized, impoverished lives in urban slums, and only a very small fraction have gone home.