Some impoverished mothers here, terrified by that gap, have begun leasing computers for their children.
"Only two people in the building where I live graduated from high school," said Ms. Cotto, whose impoverished mother had little education.
Her impoverished mother manages to get Irina into the Head Start program.
The impoverished young mother who narrates "Dust Bowl" cannot earn enough to maintain her family.
One interviewed earlier, an impoverished single mother who was fighting cancer, could not be reached.
Participants range from affluent suburbanites past the age of 40 who are having their first child to impoverished, unmarried teen-age mothers.
The song is about an impoverished mother with five children who has resorted to prostitution in order to support her family.
In 1996, it was expanded to include a transitional apartment facility to help impoverished, young single mothers, and their children, make the transition to independent living.
A "sisterhood" was created as well, sewing baby clothing for impoverished mothers.
In the last episode, Clown and his toy friends are finally adopted by what appears to be a young, impoverished single mother and her children.