George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four is a dystopian novel about a coercive and impoverished totalitarian society, conditioning its population through propaganda rather than drugs.
Meanwhile across the pond we are witnessing the decline of America's middle class into an obese, impoverished society of basket cases.
They were also for the most part ignorant of, or ignored, the basic Marxist formulation that it is impossible to build socialism in impoverished societies.
Should we keep climbing, eventually reaching the high mountain valleys, we'd find ourselves among the Lao Theung, an impoverished, animist society descended from slaves and servants of the nobility.
There they plan to take advantage of an impoverished society in upheaval by setting up a bogus shoe factory and using it as a front for various opportunistic schemes.
In this impoverished society, working at the embassy was a big deal, no matter how lowly the post.
In the community, the entire family may be sanctioned because one member is ill; in an impoverished society with no safety net of public services, this can be ominous for everyone [3].
His film asks what would happen to Russians who could suddenly escape their impoverished society and find themselves in the midst of French culture, which they regard with a mixture of suspicion, envy and disbelief.
In line with oralist philosophy, deaf schools attempt early intervention with hearing aids etc., but these are largely dysfunctional in an impoverished society.
It depicts a desert planet, depleted of its resources, home to an impoverished dog-eat-dog society with extreme inequality and oppression.