The monastic author suggests that taxes were too high, putting the impoverished villagers in a dilemma of stealing or starving.
Humanitarian Crisis Relief programs to aid refugees and extremely impoverished villagers by providing essential food, medical and other relief.
On the third trip, Mr. Marder said, he noticed a nearby stream and suggested creating a fish farm that could provide a source of protein for the impoverished villagers.
He was born on February 18, 1925 in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, the son of an impoverished villager.
Mrs. Smith said the organization has no grandiose expectations that a handicraft industry will bring prosperity to impoverished villagers.
More than 200,000 people died, mostly impoverished Mayan villagers targeted in a genocidal campaign by government troops and militias.
There, Haski and his team were treated well by the impoverished villagers.
In Kyrgyzstan, a forest of old-growth walnut trees is threatened by illegal logging by impoverished villagers.
The Nantabu school's experimental plot of oil palm even helped create a local economy, a large plantation with jobs for impoverished villagers.
In a 28,000-word series, he described the struggles of elderly people forced to care for orphaned grandchildren and the often-heroic efforts of impoverished villagers to provide for the sick.