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His father died in 1808, leaving an impoverished widow with two sons, and at the age of twelve Stowe was apprenticed to a paper maker.
One impoverished widow, left with her feckless late husband's debts, offered up the only thing she had, her son's drum-playing, son included.
He began to send his forged letters while pretending to be an impoverished widow who had to sell her family papers.
But his mother was left an impoverished widow.
Becoming a mother and impoverished widow had changed all of that.
Pick another impoverished widow, one who does not despise you.
It would explain his insistence that only she, and not another impoverished widow, would be an acceptable bride.
Soon after, his father died, leaving an impoverished widow and two orphans.
She realizes that her mother, an impoverished widow, had decided to be happy with her lot.
A minor figure in the novel, she is the miserable, impoverished widow of a hopeless drunk.