He is known for speaking out against sweatshops, corporate greed and the appalling living and working conditions of impoverished workers around the world.
Many defeated samurais as well as impoverished workers and farmers turned to piracy.
Ward was increasingly radicalized by contact with the impoverished workers who attended his church.
Our economy has even less need for impoverished, low-skill workers.
He found the impoverished workers to be ill-clothed, malnourished, and diseased from lack of basic sanitation.
Italy's population remained severely divided between wealthy elites and impoverished workers especially in the south.
The failure of government to protect the weakest and most impoverished workers in the United States has left the job to corporations and consumers.
My problem with this argument comes when immigrants themselves, impoverished workers seeking survival or to better themselves, are blamed for this situation.
Some economists argue that even the most exploited and impoverished workers are better off than those who are unemployed or trapped in slave labor.
"These are the most impoverished workers in the health care industry," said Dennis Rivera, 1199's president.