The race for impregnable positions there is helping to spur European economic growth well before the 1992 integration.
Even now the Outlanders are camped on our land, their position impregnable.
Lee's 78,513 troops were drawn up in an impregnable position atop high ground and behind a stone wall west of the city.
Our ground forces have attempted several times to take it, but Rikan has an impregnable position.
Deny it as I could, the guy was in a strangely impregnable position.
This time they would hole up in a cave that offered good cover and an almost impregnable position.
Their surprise attack had suddenly turned into a suicide assault against impregnable positions.
They certainly do seem to have the whip-hand; it would be difficult to imagine a more impregnable position.
When he could overlook their camp, he saw at once that they had an almost impregnable position.
Here the Germans have the most impregnable defensive positions in the history of modern warfare.