And the Knicks continued to display their impressive depth.
James found an "impressive depth" in Daumier's portrayal of the peculiar and the (sometimes) ugly.
Instead, the Cavaliers have an impressive depth of talent.
The book-length manifesto includes an impressive depth of technical detail, with discussion ranging from the best construction materials to the the most efficient platform geometry.
Belichick was asked recently if the Patriots' impressive depth on the defensive line allowed him the luxury of bringing along Wilfork slowly.
An impressive 0.3 depth is achieved with the beautiful and innovative design.
In this way as well she gained impressive depth as a character.
He understands that the availability of Mendoza and Karsay for the full season will add to the Yankees' impressive depth.
While limited in extent, these depressions can reach impressive depths.
Due to its natural shelter and impressive depth the lough was an important naval port from earliest times.