This was an impressive edifice of red brick, several stories high, with small windows and a forbidding external aspect.
The palace, a very impressive architectural edifice, was constructed with a reasonable amount of money, out of their annual income of two million pounds.
El Centro, which has the most impressive old edifices as well as many of the city's prominent churches, was the first area to be refurbished.
Yet in the aggregate, these bricks combine to build an impressive edifice of social change to improve the lives of the average American.
This is an enormous, impressive, but somehow unimposing edifice, more Byzantine than Vatican in its aesthetic.
We thanked him and approached the remains of what might once have been a pretty impressive edifice.
Overall, this was as powerful and impressive an edifice as Dor cared to imagine.
Robert asked next, more than a little frightened at the prospect of encountering beings with the technological expertise necessary to create such impressive edifices.
All of us who worked on it are extremely proud that we were allowed to contribute to such an impressive edifice.
They surrounded it with larger and more impressive edifices than those that bordered the old forum.