The Democratic candidate is Mike Ross, a state senator who has carried his portion of the congressional district with impressive margins for 10 years.
Although Mr. Walesa led by an impressive margin in the voting today, it is unclear whether he could repeat the showing in a two-way race.
Mr. Clinton achieved impressive margins and is getting ever closer to half the 2,145 delegates needed to win the nomination.
The women's relay was won by Russia with an impressive margin over Germany with France taking bronze.
The victory was by the impressive margin of 2,740 points, for London is perhaps the only place in the world where total-point scoring is sometimes used.
Though Mr. Sharif had won election by an impressive margin, the coup that chased him from power was not an unpopular one.
"When it costs $2.50 to manufacture a bottle of fine perfume that sells for $60, there are obviously impressive margins," Ms. Uttaro said.
But Al Gore won in New Jersey in 2000 with an impressive margin of 16 points.
By an impressive 250 to 138 margin, it voted to let the commission's list stand unless the House and Senate both disapprove.
They won their next three games by impressive margins, 7-3 and 10-3 over Los Angeles and 7-0 over San Francisco.