The Rangers, who had built an impressive mark of 15-5-4 against rivals in the division, went on to go 2-9-0 against them.
By the time he departed for the University of Maryland in 1943, he had compiled an impressive mark of 56-13-1.
He touched it, and moaned as he felt the lump that was most likely accompanied by an impressive black and blue mark.
On debut, Gill displayed his athleticism by taking a couple of impressive contested marks.
He made impressive marks and some missteps.
Gallant's performance spoiled an impressive mark the Devils had forged in their first 57 games.
The program was next taken over by Frank Clair, who coached for two seasons, leaving with an impressive mark of 12-4-1.
For Foreman, who did not fight at all between 1977 and 1987, his impressive mark stands at 73-4.
He inclined his head toward me very slightly; and I understood that, from a god, this was an impressive mark of favor indeed.
The Blue Jays' left-hander finished with a 17-8 record, but he easily could have registered a much more impressive mark.