The Summer event has been held since c. 1990 and has established an impressive reputation for excellence.
And while suburban school systems like Ardsley's have impressive reputations, that, she suggested, is based on test scores rather than students' overall achievement.
By this stage in his career, Bishop Gaillot had earned an impressive reputation, both positive and negative.
In 1908 he Played for Auckland's City club, gaining an impressive reputation.
He led a group on the theory of defects and radiation damage especially in non-metals, gaining an impressive international reputation for this fundamental research.
For all your impressive reputation, they'd eat you alive.
You've got an impressive reputation, Walking Man, but so have we.
The college has built up an impressive reputation and distinct identity, both in terms of infrastructure facilities and academics.
The man's too much like one of the old-line Faithful for my taste, but he does have an impressive reputation for personal piety.
Although not a gang member, he was a tagger and had gained an impressive reputation.