Imprisoned by the Creator at the moment of Creation in a prison at Shayol Ghul.
Coll is imprisoned in a prison called Southwatch and is trying to figure out a way to escape.
Lex Luthor shows them their captive girlfriends, imprisoned in a strange-looking spherical prison.
It reveals the JSA are imprisoned in a prison which will blow up both Earths if they are released.
Although al-Afshin tried to explain such things, al-Mu'tasim had him imprisoned in a special prison built for him.
For reasons not completely clear, the baby Bingyi was spared, although he was imprisoned in a prison overseen by the Ministry of Vassal Affairs.
It is about an odd pair of rabbits imprisoned in a Soviet prison.
She is later imprisoned with Carter's wife Dejah Thoris, in a prison which can only be opened once per year.
She was imprisoned in a Cuban prison for several months, and became ill from the unsanitary conditions.