To be unwed and eighteen and the daughter of Bohod Thosk was an improbable combination.
What seems to connect them is the sense that here one encounters nature capsized, shaken into improbable combinations, with all its givens erased.
The original program's built-in cities can even be combined with the routines on the graphics disk, leading to such improbable combinations as medieval Detroit.
Mr. Schenk likes to take chances, putting food together in wildly improbable combinations.
Throughout nine previous seasons this company has displayed a love of improbable combinations in theater.
Meanwhile, it continues to impress with its improbable combination of superbike performance with touring bike comfort, added to top build quality and innovative electronics.
And they kept making improbable combinations sound home-grown.
The imposition of semantic or pragmatic restrictions could occur after the parse is completed to remove improbable combinations.
"A most improbable combination," Spock said.
The newly arrived chef, Laurent Gras, makes an improbable combination seem absolutely right.