The pair had an impromptu conversation, making reference to the names of many metal bands.
They aggressively shielded Mr. Dole from impromptu conversations with reporters, to avoid the flip remark that might turn into an embarrassing story.
Over salads and pink lemonade, several impromptu, ecumenical conversations were taking place.
Even with 180 translators, many of whom floated around common areas to ease impromptu conversations, delegates were daunted and a bit bewildered by the meeting's scope.
Engage in impromptu conversations with employees.
If you spot other families waiting with children the same age as yours, sit near them - impromptu conversations and games may occupy your youngsters throughout the whole delay.
Mr. Ross began telephoning his mother on the air a few years ago, and listeners began expecting the impromptu conversations each week.
Though impromptu conversations may seem trivial at times, being cut off from them can be disconcerting.
Rather than thinking of impromptu conversations as small talk, consider them instrumental to a successful career and promotions, he said.
"I have a lot of impromptu conversations out in the front walkway."