Five people were arrested on disorderly conduct charges at an initial impromptu demonstration on April 26, he said.
After the losses Kit had suffered, Margo's impromptu demonstration meant more than she could possibly know.
After discovering that their salaries had been reduced, the group of about 50 workers staged an impromptu demonstration, Interior Ministry officials said.
Friends and neighbors have stopped by to take a look, and even stayed for an impromptu demonstration of hydropower.
There are shows during carnival and impromptu demonstrations in the city's parks.
Several hundred firefighters from throughout the country stopped traffic outside the Home Office when they staged an impromptu demonstration in support of their leaders.
An impromptu demonstration spilled out into the streets afterwards.
"Just give them arms now - decide now," said Ali Hussein, a 45-year-old government worker who took part in the impromptu demonstration.
Many poured into the aisles, carrying state delegation standards for impromptu demonstrations.
In other words it was a small, impromptu demonstration.