Before leaving for Atlanta, Mr. Jackson led his entourage to an impromptu stop at the Metropolitan Correction Center in lower Manhattan.
On his 1997 trip, Mr. Ivester personally discovered the region's potential during an impromptu stop along the road between Johannesburg and Soweto.
Kanye West's seemingly impromptu stop at a charity event for foster kids Tuesday night?
No more impromptu stops at Tekamah bars.
He always makes impromptu stops, so I figured this might be one of them.
An impromptu stop at Peggy Sue's Cafe for lunch was followed by several minutes of informal question & answers with the president, diners, and restaurant staff.
By this time the train had taken off, so the officer scheduled it for an impromptu stop as it passed through a nearby Indian reservation.
They feature members of local W.N.B.A. teams riding on buses that make impromptu stops.
On our return along the coast, we made an impromptu stop in a tiny seaside village to watch fishermen clean a shark they'd just caught.
Moreover, the public ferry master won't make impromptu stops.