"Partially trusted" and guests will often have restricted authorization in order to protect resources against improper access and usage.
"We have no reason to believe, based on our interviews, that there was any improper access to the evidence," Ms. Sommers said.
In addition, some Republicans charged that the filmmakers were given improper access to classified materials, which they denied.
According to the police union ethics complaint, Bailey had improper access to confidential information from Wooten's personnel file.
To put it simply, there has been improper access.
He said its executives had been given improper access to top officials before the bidding began.
So they say: "We believe this improper access is what led to the spam.
"The extent and duration of the improper access was both remarkably longer and more widespread than I had ever imagined," Mr. Durbin said.
Concerning the improper access of Facebook's secret information, the court found the allegations set forth by Facebook improper in order to justify the claim.
Critics have said that Channel One gives advertisers improper access to a captive audience of students who are required by law to be in school.