He did, however, admit to having accepted some "improper" contributions which he had subsequently reimbursed.
The Senator, who said he was unaware of the improper contributions, donated the money to charity.
The improper contributions are under Federal investigation.
But her press secretary, Michael Briggs, interjected to remind her that thousands of dollars in improper contributions had been returned.
Mr. Nash had been questioned by campaign lawyers about reported improper contributions, according to court papers.
When President Clinton and the Democrats were caught taking improper contributions from foreign donors during the campaign, they returned more than $2 million.
Law-enforcement officials have said they suspect that the three might have been conduits for improper contributions.
Dyson was plagued by allegations of improper contributions from defense contractors and questions about his sexual orientation.
No connection has yet been made between any of Sagawa Kyubin's improper contributions and specific favors.
Then, last year, Mr. Kanemaru faced charges for accepting millions of dollars in improper political contributions.