And school officials have been accused of improperly diverting millions of dollars into other programs.
Norwegian officials said today that they are looking into whether a shipment of heavy water sent to Rumania had been improperly diverted.
Investigators now suspect that money was improperly diverted from Madison Guaranty.
But she said "no money was improperly diverted" and promised that all clients would be fully paid after a recapitalization was complete.
But the indictment contended that he had started improperly diverting money from the narcotics-investigation funds a month after he arrived in Newark.
A11 China improperly diverted an American supercomputer to one of its military research facilities earlier this year, American officials alleged.
The report said the home's operator, Beryl Zyskind, improperly diverted millions of dollars in revenue from the home, which is technically a nonprofit entity.
Mr. Lott also noted that the Justice Department was investigating two instances where sensitive technology may have been improperly diverted to the Chinese.
Federal auditors suspect that some of the donations assembled by Mr. McDougal may have been improperly diverted from the savings and loan.
Starr, a prominent Liberal fundraiser, was found to have improperly diverted money from land-development and charitable organizations to the provincial Liberal Party.