The defense also argued that prosecutors had improperly excluded prospective jurors who were black or Hispanic.
The latter claimed that the passage may have been improperly excluded from some manuscripts in order to avoid the impression that Christ had sanctioned adultery:
Last August, President Clinton announced that he was sending federal officials to all the states to investigate whether they had improperly excluded people from Medicaid.
They also claim that there is significant exculpatory evidence which was improperly excluded, while questionable prosecution evidence was improperly allowed into evidence.
In overturning the conviction last January, the Federal appeals court agreed with the defense contention that blacks had been improperly excluded from the jury.
In 1951, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Lake County's verdict on the grounds that blacks had been improperly excluded from the jury.
On a second appeal, Supreme Court vacated the fraud conviction, on the grounds that women were improperly excluded from the jury panel.
In December, a federal appeals court overturned Mr. Rideau's conviction after saying blacks had been improperly excluded from the grand jury that indicted him.
The final argument in Tillman's appeal was that the court had improperly excluded a notebook containing field notes from a police department social worker.
Nacchio appealed the verdict, arguing that then-federal Judge Edward Nottingham had improperly excluded a defense witness from offering expert evidence during the trial.