In other cases, prosecutors said, the men would create phony evidence that a ticket had been improperly issued.
At that time, other building permits, which village officials also said were issued improperly, allowed Mr. Kennedy to begin changing his property.
Last spring Mr. Kennedy sued the village, claiming that it was not his fault that the building permits had been issued improperly.
Residents of the surrounding buildings and environmentalists argued that the license was improperly issued, but the demolition is (as of 2011) still underway.
Governor Casey said the Clinton Administration's directive was issued improperly, with no opportunity for public comment.
Unfortunately Marks' original application appears to have been issued improperly.
And a college in Dodge City, Kan., not connected to Tarkio, may have to return almost $90 million in improperly issued loans.
In April 1997, Mbete was found to have received an improperly issued driver's license but not charged with any wrongdoing.
Investors in the bonds, meanwhile, are worried that interest on the issues could be subject to Federal income tax if it is found the bonds were issued improperly.
But should we abolish driver's licenses because some are issued improperly?