Though these loans were not illegal, they raised ethical concerns and may prove to have been improperly sold to the government.
He was suspended from this position in 1836, after having been accused of improperly selling crown property as if it were his own.
It also improperly sold off other public housing to avoid having to integrate it, he said.
The investments were improperly sold during the spring and early summer of this year, the executives said, and they are showing large losses.
The court ruled he improperly sold his former political party headquarters and used proceeds from the sale to purchase another property in his own name.
If the tickets were improperly sold, Ms. Otto said, the group would be due a refund.
A judge could also award penalties of $2,500 per count for each gun sold improperly and order the companies to repay part of their profits.
Prudential Insurance agents improperly sold investments without the required licenses through a joint marketing agreement, documents and interviews show.
The lawsuit contended that the company improperly sold identical contact lenses under different brands for different prices.
The letter said that one of the companies products, called BiPAP, was being improperly sold.