He joined the Mexican-American Education Committee, a group of graduate students who made recommendations to the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors on ways to improve services to Mexican-American students.
The Foundation is also committed to improving educational opportunities to deserving students through post-secondary education scholarships and to promoting editorial cartooning through continuing research.
"We're interested in the proposals presented by Advocates for Children and the New York Immigration Coalition and will continue to work with them as we strive to continually improve our communication to students and their families," he said.
This involves the renovation of the museum's main building on Washington Avenue and offsite storage in order to improve access to the collections by both FIU faculty and students and outside researchers.
The business leaders pledged to help the schools lobby the state government for more financial aid to restructure the city's career and vocational programs and to improve health and social services to students in need, said a school spokesman.
(Deansway, Worcester) The Cathedral building has had its foyer and reception areas refurbished to improve their appeal to students.
These interventions include teacher training, all-day kindergarten, lower class size K-3rd grade, literacy and math coaching programs that provide teachers with individualized job-embedded professional development to improve their instruction, before or after school tutoring assistance to struggling students.
Within Compact they should be looking for opportunities to improve the curriculum offer to students and promote the professional development of members of the department.