Supporting town and regional planning commissions for clear, improved and affordable housing.
Back in London, Eleanor, now in her thirties, runs her father's household and does charity work to provide improved housing for the poor.
The program was aimed at improved housing and education for the impoverished Gypsies, while discouraging a separate Roma culture, and continued in effect until 1989.
The reasons are varied but can include unforeseen medical expenses for oneself or a dependent, the need for improved housing or transportation, education expenses and the like.
More housing units seemed to be coming into city ownership than going out as decent, improved housing.
Residents raised strong objections that Temple was ignoring neighborhood concerns like the need for improved housing around the Apollo.
Police had been called to the campus after students seized an administration building in connection with their demands for improved housing, food service, and input in administrative matters.
Now with renewed demand for improved housing on the outskirts of Cleveland, the timing appears to be right.
The money is intended to provide improved housing for migrant workers, job training and subsidized mortgage loans, the department said.
A group of advocates for improved housing in damaged neighborhoods filed suit against the city last month, demanding that homeowners be notified before any demolitions.