Carver, which lost almost $6 million before taxes in the 1999 fiscal year, had reported improved financial results this year.
The trouble is that, with the club looking for immediate improved results, it is sometimes difficult to persevere for too long with newcomers.
The improved result may help the South Korean government get a higher price as it tries to sell an 80 percent stake in Chohung.
He stood again the following year after campaigning in the ward and received a much improved result coming second with 1,068 votes (28.0%).
Design thinking is a methodology for practical, creative resolution of problems or issues that looks for an improved future result.
The company is currently conducting clinical trials aimed at showing improved results relative to angioplasty on less difficult procedures as well, he said.
Despite the loss, her ranking climbed due to her improved result from 2011.
Surgery performed by a specialist in gynecologic oncology usually results in an improved result.
We command the computer to unskew them, and we get this improved result.
In this case, other fitting methods such as fractals or singular value decomposition may yield improved fitting results.