They also reflect, however, a realistic appreciation that improvement in local situations often depends on factors which are beyond local control.
At the same time the reader is never allowed to lose sight for long of the broader scientific advances on which improvements in practice ultimately depended.
The improvement depends on modulation level and deviation.
Progressive rationalism is the humanistic belief that improvements in global well-being depend on political change based on reason.
The problem is that the major sources of pollution have been attacked, and further improvement depends on many small controls.
Despite the legislative reforms, any real improvement in this field will depend on the correct implementation and interpretation of development legislation.
We therefore believe that any development and improvement of the future European Union will depend on ratification of this text.
Yet the improvement of the labour market depends on more growth and that is something which cannot be decreed.
Because improvement of the education system depends partly on recruiting effective new managers, the country is locked in a vicious cycle, some say.
The improvement in performance gained by the use of a multi-core processor depends very much on the software algorithms used and their implementation.