The key to the music is the improvisational, jazz aspect.
Davis recognized DeJohnette's ability to combine the driving grooves associated with rock and roll with improvisational aspects associated with jazz.
They were exploring the improvisational and musical aspects of shamanism when they met up with Gendos Chamzyryn, a shaman and musician from Tuva.
What interested them was the improvisational and musical aspects of the ritual, because it raised questions as to whether the psychological state of a performer is more important than musical technique.
"It's that improvisational aspect of the music that gives them the freedom."
In these accounts, the embodied, collaborative, dialogic, and improvisational aspects of qualitative research are clarified".
Charles Mingus is a renowned jazz musician; a type of music that is famous for its improvisational aspect.
With his band (of 25 years), The Fringe, he exercised the more free improvisational aspects of Coltrane.
There is an improvisational aspect that- " "Fine," said Vale, cutting him off.
Nu jazz is influenced by jazz harmony and melodies, there are usually no improvisational aspects.