There's an improvisatory, shorthand quality to the big pieces, which in a few cases look hasty and over-stretched.
They brought an improvisatory quality to the slow movement.
Schwitters's late art clearly comes out of his earlier collages, but it has a more improvisatory, casual quality, not to say a more sculptural one.
I love the improvisatory quality of the piece, the beautiful cardboard sets, fantastic puppetry and the brilliantly judged self-mocking performances.
And it helps Ms. Belle's shows be expansive and improvisatory, old-fashioned qualities that make her one of the most exciting pop singers working.
But he sang with a lyrical directness and spontaneity, lending these songs an improvisatory quality that was just right.
Because of the unpredictable entrances of each voice an improvisatory quality is suggested.
A few moments into each, the performances had a spontaneous, almost improvisatory and intensely personalized quality.
A lot of what happened on the left had an ad hoc, improvisatory quality.
Often his music has an improvisatory quality (much of his music may be notated improvisation, considering its copious quantity).