His first starring role opposite Susan Hayward in Deadline at Dawn (1946) made him a star.
Painted work followed in Crisis, Revolver and Deadline.
In the same year, he also appeared in Deadline, an audio drama also based on Doctor Who.
The behavior of the detective character was meant as a humorous reference to players' frequent cluelessness in Deadline and The Witness.
With the help of Sgt. Duffy (last seen in Deadline), the player has until sunrise to solve the mystery.
In "Deadline for the Media" (1973), he found signs that the mainstream press was being effectively countered.
It was obvious that audiences were not interested in "Deadline."
As a result, Mr. Wolf made the lead character in "Deadline" an investigative columnist who could drive the action.
She also appeared as a mysterious woman with something to hide in Deadline at Dawn.
He later illustrated the series Carla Allison in Deadline.