In addition to basic academic subjects, all students take courses in voice, dance, graphic arts and computer technology.
Joy Berry's experience as a teacher and school administrator led her to conclude that in addition to academic subjects, children need to learn living skills.
In addition to photographic subjects, the program covers marketing, finance, and other aspects of operating a photographic business.
In addition to basic subjects such as language, science, mathematics, physical education, etc.:
In addition to medieval subjects, Arms made a series of prints of American cities.
Students studied comprehensive science and modern languages as part of their courses, in addition to classical subjects.
In addition to traditional subjects such as funding, patents, and incorporation, the group also strives to cover larger issues affecting small business.
In addition to military subjects, the school also gave the students a civilian secondary education.
In addition to elementary subjects, like mathematics and reading, she also explained about the different cultures they now had to deal with.
In addition to traditional subjects, visual arts, drama, band, choir are also available as fine arts courses.