In addition to the main facility, the following known sub-bases and auxiliaries were constructed to support the training operations:
In addition to the main facility in Salem, there are affiliated services in three community-based outpatient clinics.
In addition to the main facility at Blythe, several auxiliary airfields were built to support the main facility.
In addition to the main facility, Houman operated an unmanned Gap Filler site:
In addition to the main facility, Z-129 operated several unmanned Gap Filler sites:
In addition to the main facility, Charleston operated two unmanned Gap Filler sites:
In addition to the main facility, several sub-bases and auxiliaries were established to support the training mission.
In addition to the actual facility, the shoot house also requires targets to simulate the individuals they must subdue.
In addition to the main facility, it operates an Austin Bureau on 8th Avenue Northwest.
In addition to the main facility, an additional 3,900 acres were leased for up to 20 additional auxiliary landing fields.