But there are also those who believe the addition could help pull in potential donors.
Last year, 12,927 people gave $4,815,609.76, the second-highest total ever, ending a three-year decline in donors.
The Neediest Cases drive registered a drop in donors and funds over the previous year.
Despite the increase in donors, a third to half the babies who come to Loma Linda die before a donor can be found.
Many foundations report that assets have shrunk, and some nonprofit organizations have had a drop in donors.
It was a cost-effective exercise in rewarding existing donors and attracting new ones.
When you have a drop-off in donors, it doesn't bode well for the future.
The decline in young, dead donors has had a disproportionate effect on quantity as well as quality.
In other cities, donors and the orchestras themselves have begun to sit up and take notice of similar deficiencies.
Officials at The Times attribute the increase in first-time donors to that national reach.