In the 1980's, Soviet troops and American-backed Islamic guerrillas fought a brutish war there that helped speed the Soviet Union's demise.
Russian officials also insisted that the Kremlin was not planning a ground attack in Afghanistan, the site of a disastrous 10-year war between Soviet troops and Islamic guerrillas.
He was responding to a statement by Cambodian ministry of information spokesman Sieng Lapresse, that government forces had encountered foreigners dressed in black with the Khmer Rouge guerrillas.
Included are 3,000 books and 60,000 documents that shed light on everything from Greene's friendships to his interests in Latin American guerrillas and his religious faith as a convert to Catholicism.
The Talavera attacked the enemy fortifications without bothering to send in either scouts or guerrillas.
The conflict also threatened to draw in guerrillas of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
In a recent rebel attack, guerrillas armed with grenade launchers and automatic rifles attacked a truck carrying soldiers, the police said.
Last week it claimed to have proof of a Communist plot to smuggle in weapons and guerrillas for an insurrection, taking advantage of the current negotiating climate.
After the war, Poole assisted Federal authorities in convincing guerrillas to give up the fight and surrender.
He insists that he wants peace between the Vietnamese-backed Government in Phnom Penh and anti-Vietnamese guerrillas.