This response is absent in mutations of other clock genes (timeless, dClock, and cycle).
The exact method of protein disruption has been elucidated in certain mutations.
He read further: interim conclusion: Inherent instability resulting in random mutations.
He starts out by consulting the man in the street and even a renowned teratologist, an expert in physical mutations.
In new mutations, the mechanism causing chromosome breakage is unknown.
The muscat family of grapes, in various mutations, is grown in every wine-making country.
She had read research papers on prions and their role in genetic mutations and more severe manifestations.
PH sounds like the English 'F' too, but it is only used in mutations.
Unfortunately for us, DNA itself becomes damaged, resulting in mutations.
Here the glare is no longer so fixed; it has become softer and more diffuse, allowed to shift in interesting mutations.