He thought he had found that person in his girlfriend of two years and he proposed on Nov. 2.
Then, in 1974, he and his girlfriend run off to New York.
Like how he managed to squeak in his 'much younger girlfriend' amidst all the self-deprecation.
Based on the 1978 film of the same name, the series is about a bumbling detective in San Francisco and his girlfriend.
After Dez, a web programmer, logs in his girlfriend and others are attacked.
A prostitute in the Pink Blossom and the blacksmith's girlfriend.
Don't confide in your girlfriend, your wife, or your best buddy.
Let just one man confide in his girlfriend or wife, and the next thing we get is the press opening up our can of worms.
Earlier in the series Yoshihiko and his girlfriend Natsue went to one of her concerts.
Ollestad's father died in the crash, and his girlfriend shortly after.