The show is often credited with helping to revitalize and maintain the downtown area by bringing in patrons from around the globe.
While a few dolphins do believe in missing patrons, a majority are like Makanee.
As a result, the Aqueduct Racetrack saw an increase in patrons for the first time in several years.
Night clubs see a surge in patrons with cauliflower ear, and tensions between former-teammates-almost-opponents boil over.
"There's no doubt that we looked at the big booksellers and hope to capitalize on their success pulling in patrons through their restaurant sections."
Sam was familiar with a lot of places down by the docks that let in patrons only after they had been scanned.
A "wrap-around" structure was built in 1968 to accommodate the increase in patrons and materials.
Nowadays, most clubs and restaurants are so financially strapped they practically pull in patrons by their collars.
There are things that one can see in patrons, when one serves Naamah.
A study it just released found that a visit to the beauty parlor could cause a stroke in elderly patrons.