The V287L mutation results in receptors that desensitize at a much slower rate compared to wild-type.
Y152A responses do not show the rapid rise times observed in wt receptors.
Signals and noise in sensory receptors, which allow organisms to encode information based on their senses, set a limit on a given sensation.
Synthetic ligands which reduce this basal level of activity in nuclear receptors are known as inverse agonists.
One spot that is particularly rich in receptors is known as the ventral medial nucleus.
Taste is a form of chemoreception which occurs in specialized receptors in the mouth.
The chemicals and structures that make up the brain have similarities across different people, but they vary in certain enzymes and receptors.
He pioneered the use of optical techniques to determine, where in how fast receptors become activated by hormones and neurotransmitters.
He is particularly interested in nuclear receptors, which are master regulators of metabolism.
However, others argue that the increase in nicotinic receptors is a result of persistent heavy smoking, rather than schizophrenia.