It is thought that the compounds in hypobranchial secretions may also have interesting pharmacological properties.
Rabies is caused by a virus in secretions, like saliva, from an infected animal.
In most studies on humans, losses in secretions and gases are ignored.
However, it is found in other secretions produced both by males and females.
Can be found in genital organs and secretions.
Noticeable reduction in secretions usually occurs within 1 or 2 hours after application.
So far it appears that the virus can be detected in secretions from the nose and mouth during the first five days of illness.
Type 1 is found in secretions and in the serum.
The virus may also be found in the animal's saliva, nasal secretions, and milk.
The compound was initially found in secretions from the lugworm, and is part of its defense against invasive bacteria.