In 1965, he published a book, Law vs. Equity in the "Merchant of Venice".
His last role, at the age of 90, was Tubal in The Merchant of Venice.
He was attracted to the stage acting and played Graciana role in the Merchant of Venice at the age of 10 years.
This is certainly true in The Merchant of Venice.
In The Merchant of Venice Shakespeare takes a more unusual approach to this subject, treating love as just another form of wealth.
In "The Merchant of Venice," Shakespeare seems to have slipped accidentally.
Yet the mockers are probably the least likable characters in "The Merchant of Venice."
It also hints that the novel would have a happy ending for the couples, as in The Merchant of Venice.
And I keep remembering the speech in "The Merchant of Venice" about mercy seasoning justice.
Shakespeare also used it in the Merchant of Venice, speaking of "green-eyed jealousy."