Specifically, she said she hoped the medical profession would take particular interest in the abandoned landmark.
He came to national attention in the late 1960s for his role in the landmark, but unsuccessful Gove Land Rights Case.
Not only will the music be performed in the Colonial-era landmark, but the programs will also consist entirely of 18th-century music.
Marin also participated in the landmark 1913 Armory Show.
His research about the detrimental effects of segregation was used in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education court case.
Thunder Butte has been commemorated by white settlers who saw beauty and majesty in the prominent landmark.
But in the landmark 1968 gun control law, Congress banned their importation - instantly creating a vast market for American entrepreneurs to exploit.
The production was in the landmark Playmakers Theater, which was completed in 1851 and does not have air-conditioning.
He was the defendant in the landmark Supreme Court decision Lemon v. Kurtzman.
(Bradley, for instance, declined to number it among his famous four in the landmark critical work Shakespearean Tragedy.)