It's no use investing a great deal in youngsters like Robinson if we don't give them the chance to prove themselves.
In most youngsters, impairment does not occur immediately and thus may not be recognized as related to the treatment.
"Each Weyr has dragons who sense the potential in youngsters."
One large study found that Prozac was effective in youngsters but not by much.
Eustachian tubes are relatively flimsy in youngsters under the age of 7 or so.
So developing good psychological tests to use in youngsters might be a limitation in some of the science.
"I think you have to either believe in youngsters or not," he said.
No one seems much bothered about cheating in youngsters, anyway.
This behavior, he knew, matched what child development experts see in abandoned youngsters.
Among other things, doping and trade in youngsters are on the increase.