Jackson Pollock and his generation remain the last artists to receive in-depth treatment.
Covering an immensely rich and complex period, this relatively small show often feels more like an outline for an in-depth treatment than the real thing.
We could have had 10 years of in-depth treatment in the youth system and he's not going to get it.
"They'll never get in-depth treatment of the Revolution, westward expansion or the Civil War."
Critics assert that such a change would result in the loss of an in-depth treatment of Western Civilization.
Also, magical diagrams are given an in-depth treatment, including their creation and effectiveness.
Using the gas in electricity generation typically requires more in-depth treatment.
An in-depth treatment of retinal function, open to all but geared most toward graduate students.
For an in-depth treatment of all three poems, see Lois Pitchford.
Synonymous words and those related by the subject matter are to be found scattered around the dictionary, giving no obvious place for in-depth treatment.