Out-group members do what work is necessary in their role, but they contribute less to the group than in-group members.
Being a successful or in-group member usually includes being similar in many ways to the leader.
Social aggression can be detrimental for both ends of the spectrum, the out-group and in-group members.
It has been shown in the lab that people are better at discriminating the emotions of in-group members than those of out-groups.
Most significantly, the interacting agents are characterized by external phenotype markers which allows for recognition amongst in-group members.
These agents leave cells with in-group members, thus avoiding intra-specific competition, and attack out-group members voluntarily.
Another strategy, named the 'starling', involves the agent sharing cells with in-group members.
Additionally, the Hammer community was in the process of housing redevelopment, and many in-group members had moved out of the immediate area.
This child then becomes an in-group member of the gang, and continues the cycle of recruiting other individuals into a life of crime.
Through these identifications, out-group members join these groups and become in-group members.