The retreat is a working farm, offering organic produce for the writers, and communal dinners each night prepared by in-house chefs.
Staff can arrange activities or an in-house chef.
In 1947, Diat became the in-house chef of Gourmet.
A dinner buffet prepared by the theatre's in-house chef precedes mainstage shows and concerts.
Bommarito's tailors the program for the athlete with pre-weighed box meals prepared fresh every day by in an in-house chef.
The reviewers, including the magazine's in-house chef, Christopher Long, meet each October to revise their ratings.
With breaks for breakfast and lunch prepared by the in-house chef, the jurors heard the three remaining design teams make their final pitch.
I used to watch the show and really enjoyed it up to the point of in-house chefs, super Bentleys, etc.
Designers are no different, except instead of having late-night pizza deliveries, many of them have in-house chefs.
Children are offered a hot, vegetarian, mostly organic lunch by our in-house chef, Judy Mancini.