Captive mask shops are in-house operations owned by the biggest semiconductor corporations, while merchant mask shops make masks for most of the industry.
The product of an in-house operation, the spot was directed by Paula Zanes.
LOEX therefore has made the transition from an in-house operation to grant-supported project and then to a self-financing clearinghouse.
Wyness outsourced in-house operations to reduce the short-term cost.
Ground handling was provided by in-house operations during the existence of the airlines.
Even where markets are initially competitive, they may not be cheaper than a smart in-house operation.
Of some $8 billion spent for network TV time last year, Mr. Geller said, more than $1 billion was bought by in-house operations.
They can be done in conjunction with an accounts payable firm, energy consulting group/broker, or any in-house operation that works with the utilities.
The company has used an in-house operation until now to market its Arizona beverages, which include iced teas, lemonades and punch drinks.
David's Cookies is no longer satisfied with the advertising it is getting from its in-house operation.