The machine, which comes in seven standard configurations, was originally developed for in-house scientific research.
Serious questions about the reliability of in-house research have dogged investment banks for some time.
Long-term competitiveness is impossible without a solid in-house research and design platform.
The concept, he said, "is being successfully used by magazine publishers and for in-house corporate research."
Covers in-house or professional research, basic information and common competitor analysis frameworks.
"Our in-house research showed us an 87 percent positive response," he said.
Towards 2000, in-house research and development resulted in a breakthrough with different patents being filed.
For the first time it was able to produce in-house research.
"We did in-house research and it is clear that readers really love the look of the magazine," he said.
The charity is also focusing efforts on in-house research and development work.