In addition, the Republicans were supported by "in-kind" corporate contributions, such as discounted railway fares for delegations coming to Canton.
Those in-kind contributions aside, NACLA's first annual budget, including salaries, stood at just over $11,000.
It is funded through ticket sales, personal and corporate contributions, art grants, as well as in-kind contributions.
The government provided in-kind contributions to the NGO assisting foreign victims in this center.
The commission did not decide one important issue related to the audit, whether the party advertisements should be considered as in-kind contributions to the Clinton and Dole campaigns.
It is estimated that the Peachtree Road Race costs over $1,000,000, if in-kind contributions are included.
After the election, Senator Dole in his campaign finance report recorded several hundred dollars' worth of the anti-abortion advertisements as "in-kind" contributions.
However, it turned out that they will rather provide around US$ 35 million in-kind contributions, such as land and existing facilities.
These VCs include financial as well as in-kind contributions.
Mr. Mastro said the leases were neither in-kind contributions nor gifts.