Despite this growth, video interviews do not change the need for eventual in-person meetings, employers and recruiters say.
The next step, he explained, is an in-person meeting, so that the owner can see all the selections before the order is placed.
Two percent said that such a person attempted to arrange an in-person meeting.
But technology is not always a substitute for an in-person meeting, especially one involving a large group of people.
This makes in-person meetings important for confirming and sharing keys.
"I don't think this could ever be a substitute for my in-person meetings," John M. said.
Once, Dellelo was allowed to have an in-person meeting with his lawyer, and he simply couldn't handle it.
But the couple's first in-person meeting in Battery Park was a bust, romantically speaking.
In fact, many online mentoring programs incorporate several in-person meetings into the process.
Investor networks may have in-person meetings and/or online platforms to facilitate finding suitable investment opportunities.